Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It has been a long time since I last posted. It seems like I keep saying that! However, I have been thinking about blogging and decided that it is time that I get serious about my blogging and pin point what areas I would really like to talk about.
After a lot of thought, I kept coming back to the idea of being "domestic" and making my house a home.

So......... I would like to introduce my NEW and hopefully IMPROVED Blog The Art of Domestic Living. Please join me as I make this move. This will likely be my last post at My Cup Overflowing.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter Pics

In my last post I mentioned that I would post some pictures, so here they are!

This picture was taken off of our front porch. Notice the snow on the shrubs and window box. If you look carefully you can see the snow piled high on our neighbors' vehicles.

Here is the snow on our deck. I couldn't open the slider door because I was afraid the snow would fall into our dining area.

Last week I had a shortened schedule because of final exams, so I made cinnamon rolls. If you need a great recipe I strongly suggest making these from Pioneer Woman's website. They are so good!! I did cut back on the amount of butter that was used. A friend was having a bake sale and I was able to get rid of most of them that way. It is hard to have these yummy things around the house.

This is a picture of my Steel Cut Oats! I got hooked on these a couple of years ago. They are very different compared to your traditional oats. I have a Weight Watcher's recipe that you make the steel cut oats in a crock pot overnight. Let me tell you, there is nothing like coming have a warm cooked breakfast ready for you in the morning when it is 0 degrees outside!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Winter is here. We just heard that our area has received over 80" of snow this season, so far!!! This is my first year that I'm actually enjoying it. Of course, I haven't had to shovel that much - thanks to a great husband and a great snow blower!

When the weather turns cold and snowy I just want to be inside, cuddled under a blanket, and watching a fire. I have found that I have certain things that I really like to do when the temperature turns cold. Cooking, especially using my crock pot, knitting and reading are on the top of my list. Unfortunately, the exercise turns to the low point on my list.

I hope to post some "winter pictures" and some of my recipes real soon! Hopefully I will be back to blogging on a regular basis!