Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Journey

It has been a little while since I last blogged. Even my husband (who wasn't too excited about me having a blog at first) asked me if I have blogged recently. Well I could say that I have been busy (which is true of every Mom), but the big reason is that I have been debating about how much to share about my "journey". For some of you, you have heard me talk about this and I'm sure some of you are wondering, "what is that girl talk'n about?"

So, let me explain. I have been struggling with the "What do I do when I grow up?" syndrome. (Which in my case should be called, What do I do when I reach middle age?)I'm sure some of you can relate. Well, over the summer I bought a notebook and I really felt like God was telling me to take the next year and learn as much as I can about areas that interest me. So with notebook in hand and many books, I read and wrote about my thoughts, tips and events that have happened.

You might be asking has this helped? My answer "well kind of yes, and kind of no". I have seen some possible doors open / some close and some I'm just not sure if they are swinging. I continue to realize this is a year process and I am growing. One thing that was brought to my attention last week was the importance of writing a mission statement - what really is important / what do I value and does my life model what I believe to be true? This is something that I need to work on and will hopefully lead to clarity in the future. Please feel free to ask me how this is coming along.

If anyone is interested in the books that I have read / am reading - I would love to share them! A lot of them deal with "simplicity", being a Mom, finances, family, etc. I found a lot of them used off of - what a great resource!

So we will see what happens - and where God leads. I'll keep you posted and hopefully in a few months (or longer) I'll have some clairty to share with you all!


Laurie said...

Simplifying & organizing are two words every mom needs to hear. Maybe you could be one of those "clutter busters" that goes in and kicks butt on someone's messy house?

denhartigh said...

I've been with ya this entire year and I know all you've been mulling in your head. It's hard. I've been there. Keep it going... God will open the door at the right time.