Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Bags Are Packed

I had a difficult time deciding what to title this post. It could have easily been called Husband of the Year Award!! You see, my bags are packed and in less than two hours I am heading to the airport to travel to DC. I will be spending three days with my best friend - with no girls or husband. Then, my husband and girls will be taking the 14 plus hour drive to meet me at some other friends in Richmond. The amazing thing is this was my husband's idea! How blessed I am!!! I will miss them, but I'm also excited about a few days "by myself" with a good book and maybe some knitting. Speaking of knitting - I finished my first sock!!! Notice I said, "sock" the singular noun - I still have another one to go in order to have a pair.


Kelley said...

Ooh! You gotta post a picture of your sock. How funny--I'm working on my toe and hope to have my first sock done during T's nap today. Maybe I'll actually get to wear these once before it gets to warm. Not counting on it though. LOL. Enjoy your trip!

Brenda said...

kim...how was the trip??? :)

Laurie said...

Dude - your bags should be unpacked by now.