Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cookie Exchange

Take 14 women, 1008 cookies, a couple pots of coffee and some breakfast food, what do you get? One very yummy Christmas Cookie Exchange!

Yesterday morning I hosted my third cookie exchange for the neighborhood ladies, which I consider my good friends. By no means am I an expert at hosting the cookie exchange, but I have learned a couple of things over the years:

First of all, purchase an assortment of food handler gloves. With the cold and flu season every before us, everyone seems to appreciate the use of the gloves.

Secondly, encourage everyone to bring a separate container to bring cookies home it. Note, I have ziploc freezer bags on hand if needed.

Personally, I love to serve breakfast casseroles, fruit and an easy quick bread. This means all my preparation is done ahead of time. The casseroles smell great and they serve a large number of people.

Over the last couple of years questions arise about food allergies and recipe request. To these questions I have no great answers.

Here I am with friends just hanging out and enjoying the Christmas festivities.

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